TSX: MX CDN $65.32

Working with Integrity

Our strong corporate culture and values inform everything we do and are embedded throughout our governance systems, processes and behaviours.

Meeting the Highest Standards of Responsible Care Globally

Through the International Council of Chemical Associations, over 50 countries have adopted the Responsible Care Ethic and Principles of Sustainability.

Every three years, Methanex’s Responsible Care program is externally verified through the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada or the American Chemistry Council Responsible Care Management System RC 14001 certification process.

See link to the 2018 Responsible Care Verification Report for Methanex.

Board Governance

Our Board’s Corporate Governance Principles establish a system of goal setting, effective decision making and ethical actions, with the objective of sustaining a vital company that creates and protects value for Methanex’s shareholders. 60% of Methanex’s 10 independent directors are from diverse groups, including five women.

For more information about our Board and Leadership, please visit this page.

Ethics and Anti-Corruption

Ethical behaviour is essential at Methanex for building trusting relationships with stakeholders, protecting our reputation and reducing our legal and financial risk. Our culture is centred around ethical and honest behaviour, which is reinforced through our corporate policies, regular training and an effective compliance program. 99% of our team members completed Code of Business Conduct and Respectful Workplace e-learning modules in 2022.

Read our Code of Business ConductCorrupt Payments Prevention PolicyStakeholder Relations Policy and Human Rights Policy to learn more about our expectations of ethical and honest behaviour and preventing corruption.


Methanex is focused on resilience against cyberattacks to protect our data, systems, assets and identities. When more employees began working remotely starting in 2020 due to COVID-19, it became even more important to apply cybersecurity measures and ensure our team members are equipped to play a key role in helping to mitigate cyber crime. In 2022, 100% of employees and contractors completed cybersecurity training

Transporting Methanol Safely and Responsibly