TSX: MX CDN $65.75


As the global methanol leader, our strategy is simple and clearly defined – leadership, operational excellence and low cost.

Our vision for global methanol industry leadership is to create value through our leadership in the global production, marketing and delivery of methanol to customers. To achieve this objective we have a simple, clearly defined strategy: global leadership, low cost and operational excellence. We also pride ourselves in being a leader in Responsible Care® (an operating ethic and set of principles for sustainability developed by the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada and recognized by the United Nations) to manage issues related to employee health and safety, environmental protection, community involvement, social responsibility, sustainability, security and emergency preparedness. Our brand differentiator “The Power of Agility®” defines our culture of flexibility, responsiveness and creativity that allows us to capitalize on opportunities quickly as they arise, and swiftly respond to customer needs.


We are focused on maintaining and enhancing our position as the major producer and supplier in the global methanol industry, enhancing our ability to deliver methanol to customers, and supporting both traditional and energy-related global methanol demand growth.

Operational Excellence

We strive to achieve operational excellence in all aspects of our business, from manufacturing and supply chain processes to corporate governance practices and financial management.

Our goal is to be the preferred supplier to every one of our customers, which we achieve by safely and reliably delivering them the methanol they need.

Low Cost

A low cost structure is an important competitive advantage in a commodity industry and is a key part of our strategy. Our approach to major business decisions is guided by a drive to improve our cost structure, expand margins and create value for shareholders. The most significant components of total costs are natural gas for feedstock and distribution costs associated with delivering methanol to customers.

Feedstock costs

Our production facilities are strategically located to supply our major markets. Further, more than half of our production is underpinned by natural gas supply contracts that have a variable price component that is linked to the price of methanol, enabling us to be competitive throughout the methanol price cycle.

Distribution costs

We continually seek to minimize the costs of global distribution, from shipping to in-market storage and distribution. We optimize shipping efficiency by maintaining our own tanker fleet, and we stagger the maturities of our long-term ocean vessel contracts to reduce our exposure to changing market conditions. Other strategies to minimize distribution costs include regularly investigating strategies to increase the efficiency of methanol distribution from our production facilities to customers and seeking opportunities to leverage our global asset position by entering into product exchanges with other methanol producers.

Global Locations